Since I decided to care for my land and produce wine, my main objective was to help my vines age by observing and indulging its nature.
The oldest vines represent a heritage to be preserved. In fact, the wine produced by vines aged between 40-50 years old is of the highest quality in compare to the wine produced by younger vines.


According to these two Frulian agronomists, it is of major importance to prune the vine on younger wood and by excluding trims on the stem so as to safely and happily bring it to its old age: a non-invasive technique that maintains the health of the vine and safeguards the quality of the produced wine.

Simonit and Sirch have revisited the Guyot pruning method making it even less invasive. Their system envisages two spurs ( rather than one usually used on the classic Guyot method ) and a head fruit on each branch that ensures branching for the following year. This pruning method, moreover, helps keeping free the lymphatic vessels of the vine and maintaining a good state of health of the plant.
Strada Casal Monaco, 3, 91010 Trapani, TP | Google map
Vito Gioia – Business Owner | | +39 380 6430545